Standard check-in time is 1 PM.
Yes, early check-in requests are subject to availability and may incur additional charges depending on the arrival time.
Early check-in charges vary:
Check-in before 6 am incurs a full-day charge and subject to availability.
Check-in between 6 am to 12 noon incurs a half-day charge and subject to availability.
Standard check-out time is 11 AM.
Yes, late check-out requests are subject to availability and may incur additional charges depending on the checkout time.
Late check-out charges vary:
Late check-out after 11 am and before 4 pm incurs a half-day charge and subject to availability.
Late check-out post 4 pm incurs a full night charge as well as subject to availability.
Yes, the property is couple-friendly. Valid address ID proof is required upon check-in.
All rooms are non-smoking. A dedicated smoking area is available on the lobby level.
Unfortunately, pets are not allowed at the property.
We kindly request our guests to directly confirm parking space availability with our hotel team.
Unfortunately, rooms with twin beds are not available at the property.
Yes, all rooms have queen-size beds
Unfortunately, airport pick-up service is not available at the property.
Yes, an extra bed can be requested but it is subject to availability.
Charges for an extra bed are:
INR 1,000/- plus taxes per night per guest without breakfast.
INR 1,400/- plus taxes per night per guest with breakfast.
Children under 7 years old can share the room with two adults without charge if no extra bed/mattress is requested. Further policies vary based on the age of the child and occupancy of the room.
Yes, children under 7 years old can share the room with two adults without charge if no extra bed/mattress is requested.
The hotel holds the discretion of allowing children over 7 years old in the room over and above double occupancy.
Yes, a third person in the room over 7 years old is chargeable as adult.
Charges for children traveling with a single adult vary based on age and occupancy.
Minors under 18 are not allowed to check in on single occupancy.